What should I keep in mind as the general rules or rule of thumb for determining product pricing on my potential PLR Products?
When determining Product Pricing for your potential PLR Products, there’s a few factors to keep in mind. All PLR Products are not created equal. Nowadays, folks have taken these products to three different levels outside of what they were intended for, due to their lack of knowledge with PLR, their haste to make a quick buck, or their greed to make the most bucks. You can see it happening online all over the place.
You see, PLR Products are being watered down in areas because of lack of knowledge, failure, neglect, and ignorance to PLR License Terms, and greed. So, one must consider this, in addition to the actual value of the product. PLR Products can be enhanced dependent upon their License Terms to be sold at a greater price, however, you have to take into account the fact that you may be selling an item that can be found for much less on other sites.
We will only provide you with resources and information that we have obtained throughout the years. Nonetheless, pricing is guaranteed to fluctuate between sites because of this. Nowadays you must also think about what your purpose is in reselling PLR Products and how much information you require to make that happen effectively. For example, you may need more than a simple product to move forward. If you desire to have more information, such as social media tools, additional free products you may want to offer your audience, or other resources to actually help you with getting things off the ground, you may not want to purchase a package bundle of tons of downloads and no instructions at the cheapest rate. These are simply options you must consider based on your capabilities and ability to get started immediately.
Here is a price structure provided us, that you may also see given within certain PLR Product License Terms, but make note that this was around prior to things being so watered down.
Suggested Pricing (use your judgement, but please do not go below the lowest price):
Individual products to end user: $3.00 – $5.00
Resale Rights for individual products: $8.00 – $10.00
Master Resale Rights for individual products: $12.00 – $15.00
Resale Rights for packages: $25.00 – $30.00
Master Resale Rights for packages: $40.00 – $50.00
Now, this price structure is included in PLR Products that you may find that have not been altered or updated as of yet. However, it is safe to say that most have not abided by these rules, thus we are here! For our Platforms, we did not find it safe to stick with this pricing table, as no one is hardly able to commit to this, considering the fact that many sellers are not placing value in what they behold, but rather seeing a mere opportunity to cash in. However, as we know the immense value of PLR Products, we can agree that this pricing table was once beneficial and accurate, but as of lately, people are not willing to take the time to distinguish the value from the buck.
For our businesses, we choose to do our due diligence to compare pricing at this point, due to all of these factors, in order to afford our Valued Guests and Frequent Visitors the options that we did not have years ago with the ability to save money for additional necessary costs required to start up. These requirements could consist of domain name, hosting, or other marketing fees.
What we’ve noticed is that some big bank gurus and misinformed individuals will actually throw so many products into one or combine unnecessary options for you that may be good, but not conducive to your buying needs. You must be careful not to overspend on excessive products that will not get you to your goal, but rather lead you further into the unknown and confusion.
After seeing this pricing table it may cause you to rethink some things you may have thought you knew, which is perfectly alright. Trial and error can lend the best experience. Be encouraged and remember that it only takes one person to spend one dollar on a repetitive basis for you to establish an income for yourself. If you feel good about it, do not be discouraged and the most imperative thing to do is to stick with it until you see results. The only time we choose to do otherwise is when we are not confident in the value that a potential product can bring or if a product conflicts with our Biblical laws.
We sincerely hope this helps you and don’t be shamed or afraid if your pricing happens to be at the other end of this pricing spectrum. There is no right or wrong answer beyond following the License Terms. You want to make money, sure, but you’re not trying to rip people off when they can get it elsewhere for much cheaper. It is you who adds value to your product based on your delivery and ability to be transparent. While you can go by this former guideline, you don’t want everyone to pass you up due to the prevalence of cheaper products being thrown at consumers for little of nothing, so price accordingly. Remember that there’s enough to go around and you will always have your very own customer base because of how you customize your operations and how you keep it!