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- "Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn" was spoken for whose sake?
- "Thy throne, O Elohim, is forever and ever" is recorded in what book?
- About whom did Yahshua say, "Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than…"?
- Abraham pleaded with Elohim not to destroy what city?
- According to 1 Thessalonians 5:18, when should we thank Elohim?
- According to 2 Corinthians 9:7, how should one give?
- According to First Thessalonians 4:18, what should the Children of Israel do concerning his coming?
- According to John 10:10, why did Yahshua come to earth?
- According to Luke, what is death?
- According to Luke, why did Yahshua come to earth?
- According to Matthew 24, what two classes of persons will show great signs and wonders in their deceptive work?
- According to Matthew 24:27, with what is the coming of the Mashiach compared?
- According to Matthew 24:41, what will happen to the two women when the Mashiach returns?
- According to Matthew 24:6, what will come to pass, but the end is not yet?
- According to Matthew 7:16 how shall we be known?
- According to Paul, what kind of times shall come in the last days?
- According to Paul, who killed Yahshua?
- According to Psalm 1:3, the righteous shall be like a tree planted where?
- According to Revelation 1:7, how many eyes shall see the Mashiach when he returns?
- According to Revelation 1:7, who shall wail because of the Mashiach?
- According to Revelation 19:11-14, who follows the Mashiach out of the heavens?
- According to Revelation 19:11-16 what is the Mashiach’s name?
- According to Revelation 19:13, in what was the Mashiach’s vesture dipped?
- According to the 2 Peter 1:21, how did the prophecy of the scripture originate?
- According to the prophet Zechariah, where will Yahshua’s feet stand when he returns to the earth?
- According to the scripture, what is the royal law?
- According to tradition, who authored First Kings?
- After crossing the Red Sea, how many days did the Israelites go without finding water?
- After denying Yahshua, what did Peter do when he heard the cock crow?
- After forsaking Paul, Demas departed unto what place?
- After he had interpreted the butler’s dream, how long did Joseph stay in prison?
- After Job lost his livestock and children what happened to his body?
- After speaking to the Ethiopian eunuch where was Philip found?
- After the contest on Mount Carmel what did Elijah tell Ahab?
- After the death of Stephen, who went to Samaria to preach the Mashiach?
- After the resurrection of Yahshua, where did an angel tell the disciples they should go to see him?
- After the resurrection, how many days was Yahshua seen by the Apostles?
- After walking and talking with his disciples for 40 days after his resurrection, what happened to Yahshua?
- After which plague did Pharaoh indicate that Moses would see his face no more?
- Ahab was king of what country?
- All the promises of Elohim in the Mashiach are what?
- Approximately how many years of “recorded silence” elapsed between Old Testament times and New Testament times?
- As a physician, what particular ministry of the Mashiach does Luke give special prominence?
- As Leviticus begins, where are the Children of Israel?
- As what did Paul desire to present the Israelites to the Mashiach?
- As what was the Mashiach both merciful and faithful?
- At Gennesaret, fishermen from how many boats were washing their nets?
- At the feeding of the 5,000 who told of the boy with the loaves and fishes?
- At the throne of grace, what may we obtain in the time of need?
- At the time of the Mashiach what was the country between Judea and Galilee called?
- At the time of Yahshua’s birth, who sent out a decree that all the world should be taxed?
- At the time of Yahshua’s birth, who was the king of Judea?
- At what event did the heavens open, and the Holy Spirit descend in a bodily shape like a dove?
- At what hour did Yahweh smite the firstborn in the land of Egypt?
- At what hour of the day did the fever leave the nobleman’s son?
- At what place did Abraham and Abimelech make a covenant?
- At whose preaching did the men of Nineveh repent?
- Before the days of the kings, when judges ruled over Israel, which judge was a woman?
- Being made free from sin, one becomes the servant of what?
- Being made free from sin, one has fruit unto what?
- Ben-Hadad was king of what country?
- Besides the temple what places of worship did the Jews have in the New Testament?
- By faith Moses forsook what country?
- By what brook did the ravens feed Elijah?
- By what is the love of Elohim shed abroad in our hearts?
- By what miracle did the children of Israel enter into the promised land?
- By what name did Elohim reveal himself to Moses?
- By what name did Yahweh appear unto Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?
- By what new name was Yahweh known unto Moses?
- By what river was Ezekiel held captive?
- By what were the believers sealed?
- By whom shall Elohim judge the secrets of men?
- Candace was the queen of what country?
- Complete Hebrews 1:10 “And, thou, Yahweh, in the beginning has laid the …”
- Complete John 11:25 “Yahshua said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet…”
- Complete Luke 19:10 “For the son of man is come to seek and… “
- Complete Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your…”
- Complete Philippians 2:11 “And every tongue should confess that…”
- Complete Philippians 2:9 “Wherefore Elohim also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is …”
- Complete Revelation 3:20 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and… “
- Complete the beatitude “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit… “
- Complete the beatitude “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall…”
- Complete the beatitude “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs …”
- Complete the beatitude “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall…
- Complete the beatitude “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall…”
- Complete the beatitude “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the…”
- Complete the beatitude “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall… “
- Complete the beatitude, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall…”
- Concerning whom did a group of Jews bind themselves under a curse that they would not eat or drink until they had killed him?
- Could the king of Israel cure Naaman?
- Curtains in the portable tabernacle were made of what material?
- Cyrenius was governor of what country?
- Cyrus was king of what country?
- Describe the fourteen cattle that Pharaoh dreamed about?
- Did Joseph recognize his brothers when they first came to Egypt?
- Did Naaman think it was a good idea to wash in the Jordan river?
- Did Pharaoh bless Jacob or did Jacob bless Pharaoh?
- Did the Galileans receive Yahshua?
- Did the prophets of Baal bring down fire from heaven?
- Does Elohim treat all men alike?
- During creation week, on what day did dry land appear?
- During his temptation, how long did Yahshua go without eating?
- During his two year imprisonment in Rome, how many epistles did Paul write?
- During Israel’s age of peace, prosperity and prominence, who was king?
- During the course of Passover, how many days were the Children of Israel to eat unleavened bread?
- During the Feast of Weeks, where was Yahshua’s mother?
- During the fight with Amalek, what happened to Israel when Moses let down his hand?
- During the forty days after the resurrection, what did Yahshua talk about to his disciples?
- During the Passover what was to be eaten by the children of Israel?
- During the Passover, what plant was used to strike the blood?
- During the plague of flies in Egypt, what area had no flies?
- During the time of Hezekiah what country fought against Judah?
- Elijah went over what river on dry ground?
- Elisha caused the waters of what river to be parted?
- Elisha prophesied that the famine in what city would end?
- Elohim raised Yahshua from the dead and he no more will have to return to what?
- Eutychus, the one that fell from a window while Paul was preaching, was from what city?
- First Thessalonians 4:16 states that Yahweh himself shall descend from heaven with what?
- Following the Feast of Weeks, in what four things did the believers continue steadfastly?
- For how long did Paul and those shipwrecked with him stay on the island of Melita?
- For how long is the Mashiach consecrated as High Priest?
- For how long was Saul without sight?
- For how many generations did Jehu’s sons rule?
- For The Word to be profitable, with what must it be mixed?
- For what did the apostles pray when threatened by the council?
- For what time do rich men heap treasures together?
- For what two good reasons should one be subject to the laws of his government?
- For what was faith reckoned unto Abraham?
- For whom did Jacob say he would serve seven years?
- For whom was the Epistle to Philemon written?
- For whose sake was John the Baptist put in prison?
- From Jerusalem, how long did Dawīd reign over Israel and Judah?
- From what city did Lydia come?
- From what country did a queen come to talk with Solomon?
- From what country did Sarah’s maid, Hagar, come?
- From what country was Barnabas?
- From what did Elohim create Adam?
- From what did Paul instruct Timothy to flee?
- From what mountain did Yahshua speak about his coming again?
- From what town did Yahshua send disciples to get a colt for Him to ride?
- From what tribe did our Adonai spring?
- From what two animals could the Passover sacrifice be taken?
- From where did the wise men come?
- From where does every good gift and every perfect gift come?
- From which book of the prophets did Yahshua read at the synagogue?
- From which book of The Torah did Yahshua quote during his contest with satan?
- From which direction did the wind blow that took away the plague of locusts?
- From which mountain did Moses view The Promised Land?
- From which Old Testament book did Yahshua quote in Matthew 24 with reference to the Great Tribulation?
- From which son of Noah did the Jew people descend?
- Goliath was from what country?
- Herod intended to keep Peter in prison until after what holy day?
- Hezekiah was king of what country?
- Historically, the book of Ruth is connected with what other book?
- How did Aaron and Hur help Moses gain the victory over the Amalekites?
- How did Elisha get back the ax head that fell into the river?
- How did Elisha help a poor widow whose sons were about to be taken as bondmen?
- How did Elohim change the bitter water of Marah into good water?
- How did Elohim first appear to Moses?
- How did Elohim provide bread for the Israelites in the wilderness?
- How did Jacob obtain the blessing of the firstborn son instead of Esau?
- How did Jezebel die?
- How did Joseph know to flee to Egypt with Yahshua and his mother?
- How did Joseph treat his brothers after their father died?
- How did Moses disobey Elohim when the water came from the rock at Meribah?
- How did Moses obey Elohim to obtain water at Massah?
- How did Paul become a Roman citizen?
- How did Paul describe himself in Philemon 1:9?
- How did Peter escape from prison the night before Herod planned to kill him?
- How did Peter reply to Yahshua’s instruction to launch out into the deep?
- How did Pharaoh’s servants describe Moses during the plagues?
- How did Rahab mark her house so she would be protected when Jericho was captured?
- How did Saul escape from Damascus?
- How did Solomon settle the problem of two mothers and one child?
- How did some men get a man with the palsy to Yahshua?
- How did the animals get their names?
- How did the Galatians receive Paul at first?
- How did the Holy Spirit appear on the day of Pentecost?
- How did the wise men find Yahshua?
- How did Yahshua answer those who asked if it was right for them to pay taxes to Caesar?
- How did Yahshua come into Jerusalem at his triumphal entry?
- How did Yahshua die?
- How did Yahshua overcome the temptations of Satan?
- How did Yahshua teach his disciples humility at the last supper?
- How did Yahweh lead the children of Israel when they left Egypt?
- How did Yahweh smite Azariah?
- How did Zacchaeus promise to repay those from whom he had taken dishonestly?
- How do the opening verses of Matthew’s gospel relate back to the Old Testament?
- How does Yahshua sum up his reference to the greatness of John the Baptist?
- How had the chief captain who talked with Paul become a Roman citizen?
- How is the day of Yahweh described as coming in First Thessalonians 5:2?
- How long did Elohim allow Hezekiah to live after his illness?
- How long did Felix keep Paul bound?
- How long did it rain during the flood?
- How long did it take to build the temple?
- How long did Jacob serve Laban?
- How long did Paul live in Rome before the end of the book of Acts?
- How long did Paul purpose to refrain from eating meats, if eating them offended his weak brother?
- How long did the flood waters stay on the earth?
- How long did Yahshua pray on a mountain?
- How long is a millennium?
- How long was Dawīd king?
- How long was Joash hidden before becoming king of Judah?
- How long was Moses on Mount Sinai?
- How long was Solomon king?
- How long was the famine to last after Joseph revealed himself to his brothers?
- How long was the ship, on which Paul sailed for Rome, driven by the storm?
- How long was the span of time from the Exodus from Egypt until Solomon started building the temple?
- How many Assyrians were slain near Jerusalem?
- How many boats full of fish did Peter and the fisherman catch?
- How many books are called minor prophets?
- How many books are in the Bible?
- How many books are there in the New Testament?
- How many books are there in the Old Testament?
- How many books of the Old Testament are considered to be historical?
- How many cattle did Pharaoh dream about?
- How many chapters are in Isaiah?
- How many children did Zechariah and Elizabeth have before John the Baptist?
- How many children of Adam and Eve are recorded?
- How many Commandments were given by Elohim to Moses?
- How many concubines did Solomon have?
- How many daughters did the priest of Midian have?
- How many devils did Yahshua cast out of Mary Magdalene?
- How many have sinned and come short of the Glory of Elohim?
- How many judges are referenced in the book of Judges?
- How many major prophets were there?
- How many men did Yahshua feed with five loaves and two fishes?
- How many men were appointed to serve tables?
- How many men were in the group when the Israelites left Egypt?
- How many of Paul’s epistles were written during his missionary journeys?
- How many of Paul’s epistles were written to individuals?
- How many of Pharaoh’s army was destroyed in the sea?
- How many of the Mashiach’s disciples were named James?
- How many parables does the Gospel of Mark record?
- How many people did Yahshua appoint and send out two by two?
- How many people did Yahweh tell Elijah had not bowed to Baal?
- How many people waited together in the upper room for the coming of the Holy Spirit?
- How many people were added to the believers during the Feast of Weeks?
- How many people were saved in the ark during the flood?
- How many pillars were there in the court of the tabernacle?
- How many prophets of Baal came to Mount Carmel?
- How many proverbs did Solomon speak?
- How many stars did Joseph see in his dream?
- How many stories were in Noah’s ark?
- How many times did Abraham plead for Sodom?
- How many times did Joash smite the arrows to the ground?
- How many times did the Israelites march around the walls of Jericho?
- How many times did Yahshua tell Peter we should forgive others?
- How many verses are in Psalm 119?
- How many wives did Solomon have?
- How many years before the writing of 2 Corinthians was a man caught up into the third heaven?
- How many years did Israel’s monarchy last before being divided into two kingdoms?
- How many years did it take to write the Bible?
- How many years did Jacob serve his future father-in-law for Rachel?
- In the Old Testament, what did the terms shekel, mina, and talent signify?
- In the parable of the lost sheep, how many sheep did the man have?
- Is Jonah considered a major or a minor prophet?
- Lot pitched his tent toward what city?
- Naaman was an army captain in what country?
- The church in what place was told that it had left its first love?
- The rough goat that Daniel saw in a vision was the king of what place?
- To what people was the gospel of Luke primarily written?
- What did Joseph want to do with Benjamin after finding the silver cup in his sack?
- What did the prodigal son say to his father when he came back home?
- What happened while Peter was preaching at Cornelius' house?
- What is pure religion?
- What is the first book in the New Testament?
- What is the third book of the Torah?
- What nationality was Timothy’s father?
- What relationship was Laban to Rebekah?
- What statement did the leper make in expressing his faith?
- What three things does one do when he makes prophesies?
- What three words describe Elohim’s will?
- What token did Elohim give that he would not destroy the world again with a flood?
- What was the last epistle written by Paul?
- What was the name of the desert place where Philip was sent?
- What was the sin of Ananias and Sapphira?
- What writing was placed over Yahshua’s "stauros"?
- When the people returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon, who oversaw the rebuilding of the temple?
- Where did Lazarus live?
- Where did Paul go after leaving Athens?
- Where was the marriage held at which Yahshua turned water into wine?
- Which book records an army of 185,000 destroyed in one night?
- Which of David's sons tried to take the kingdom from his father?
- Which way would have been nearer for Yahweh to lead the Israelites to Canaan?
- Who buried the body of Yahshua?
- Who conspired with the chief priests to betray Yahshua?
- Who deserted Paul and Barnabas on the first missionary journey?
- Who did Yahshua say were “Blind leaders of the blind”?
- Who helped her son deceive his father?
- Who said "Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house"?
- Who said "Fear not; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people"?
- Who said "Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness"?
- Who said “Be of good cheer; for I believe Elohim, that it shall be even as it was told me”?
- Who said “Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth”?
- Who said “Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of Yahweh”?
- Who said “Thou art the Mashiach, the son of the living Elohim”?
- Who was the chief captain that sent Paul from Jerusalem to Caesarea?
- Who was the harpist that was brought to the court of King Saul?
- Who were the tentmakers who assisted Paul at Corinth?
- Who, with his armour bearer, defeated a garrison of Philistines?
- Why did Elohim remove Saul from being king?
- Why were the children of Israel taken into captivity?
- With what were the tables of stone written (The Ten Commandments)?
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What’s the licensing thing about with the digital PLR products?
So, with Private Label Rights products, Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Businesses, Coaches, Students, and others are able to rebrand certain products into their very own or sell as is to suit their niche area, personal or business needs based on the License Terms within that particular product file.
Some licensing allows for complete rebranding, while others only allow for certain changes to be made. For instance, you may be allowed to alter the title, content, and pictures for one eBook, but you many only be able to change the title to another. Or you may be able to alter the cover of a video training series that you found on one subject but unable to alter any content on the video lesson for another, meaning it may only be for resell as is.
PLR Licensing Terms simply dictate how a product may be used in the future. While most products contain licensing that allows you to rebrand and resell, we also have others that you will only be allowed to keep for personal use and to share with those in your immediate circle, such as family or a close friend and business partner. Products for personal use are typically motivating, encouraging, helpful in strengthening your mindset or helps to gear you up for a set mind with the tasks at hand. Our PLR is carefully selected and handpicked, chosen specifically for our Valuable Guests and Frequent Visitors. We do not admit or allow every PLR Product on the market, so you will be able find a vast amount of options from site to site. Hope this helps!