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- "Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn" was spoken for whose sake?
- "Thy throne, O Elohim, is forever and ever" is recorded in what book?
- About whom did Yahshua say, "Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than…"?
- Abraham pleaded with Elohim not to destroy what city?
- According to 1 Thessalonians 5:18, when should we thank Elohim?
- According to 2 Corinthians 9:7, how should one give?
- According to First Thessalonians 4:18, what should the Children of Israel do concerning his coming?
- According to John 10:10, why did Yahshua come to earth?
- According to Luke, what is death?
- According to Luke, why did Yahshua come to earth?
- According to Matthew 24, what two classes of persons will show great signs and wonders in their deceptive work?
- According to Matthew 24:27, with what is the coming of the Mashiach compared?
- According to Matthew 24:41, what will happen to the two women when the Mashiach returns?
- According to Matthew 24:6, what will come to pass, but the end is not yet?
- According to Matthew 7:16 how shall we be known?
- According to Paul, what kind of times shall come in the last days?
- According to Paul, who killed Yahshua?
- According to Psalm 1:3, the righteous shall be like a tree planted where?
- According to Revelation 1:7, how many eyes shall see the Mashiach when he returns?
- According to Revelation 1:7, who shall wail because of the Mashiach?
- According to Revelation 19:11-14, who follows the Mashiach out of the heavens?
- According to Revelation 19:11-16 what is the Mashiach’s name?
- According to Revelation 19:13, in what was the Mashiach’s vesture dipped?
- According to the 2 Peter 1:21, how did the prophecy of the scripture originate?
- According to the prophet Zechariah, where will Yahshua’s feet stand when he returns to the earth?
- According to the scripture, what is the royal law?
- According to tradition, who authored First Kings?
- After crossing the Red Sea, how many days did the Israelites go without finding water?
- After denying Yahshua, what did Peter do when he heard the cock crow?
- After forsaking Paul, Demas departed unto what place?
- After he had interpreted the butler’s dream, how long did Joseph stay in prison?
- After Job lost his livestock and children what happened to his body?
- After speaking to the Ethiopian eunuch where was Philip found?
- After the contest on Mount Carmel what did Elijah tell Ahab?
- After the death of Stephen, who went to Samaria to preach the Mashiach?
- After the resurrection of Yahshua, where did an angel tell the disciples they should go to see him?
- After the resurrection, how many days was Yahshua seen by the Apostles?
- After walking and talking with his disciples for 40 days after his resurrection, what happened to Yahshua?
- After which plague did Pharaoh indicate that Moses would see his face no more?
- Ahab was king of what country?
- All the promises of Elohim in the Mashiach are what?
- Approximately how many years of “recorded silence” elapsed between Old Testament times and New Testament times?
- As a physician, what particular ministry of the Mashiach does Luke give special prominence?
- As Leviticus begins, where are the Children of Israel?
- As what did Paul desire to present the Israelites to the Mashiach?
- As what was the Mashiach both merciful and faithful?
- At Gennesaret, fishermen from how many boats were washing their nets?
- At the feeding of the 5,000 who told of the boy with the loaves and fishes?
- At the throne of grace, what may we obtain in the time of need?
- At the time of the Mashiach what was the country between Judea and Galilee called?
- At the time of Yahshua’s birth, who sent out a decree that all the world should be taxed?
- At the time of Yahshua’s birth, who was the king of Judea?
- At what event did the heavens open, and the Holy Spirit descend in a bodily shape like a dove?
- At what hour did Yahweh smite the firstborn in the land of Egypt?
- At what hour of the day did the fever leave the nobleman’s son?
- At what place did Abraham and Abimelech make a covenant?
- At whose preaching did the men of Nineveh repent?
- Before the days of the kings, when judges ruled over Israel, which judge was a woman?
- Being made free from sin, one becomes the servant of what?
- Being made free from sin, one has fruit unto what?
- Ben-Hadad was king of what country?
- Besides the temple what places of worship did the Jews have in the New Testament?
- By faith Moses forsook what country?
- By what brook did the ravens feed Elijah?
- By what is the love of Elohim shed abroad in our hearts?
- By what miracle did the children of Israel enter into the promised land?
- By what name did Elohim reveal himself to Moses?
- By what name did Yahweh appear unto Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?
- By what new name was Yahweh known unto Moses?
- By what river was Ezekiel held captive?
- By what were the believers sealed?
- By whom shall Elohim judge the secrets of men?
- Candace was the queen of what country?
- Complete Hebrews 1:10 “And, thou, Yahweh, in the beginning has laid the …”
- Complete John 11:25 “Yahshua said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet…”
- Complete Luke 19:10 “For the son of man is come to seek and… “
- Complete Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your…”
- Complete Philippians 2:11 “And every tongue should confess that…”
- Complete Philippians 2:9 “Wherefore Elohim also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is …”
- Complete Revelation 3:20 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and… “
- Complete the beatitude “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit… “
- Complete the beatitude “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall…”
- Complete the beatitude “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs …”
- Complete the beatitude “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall…
- Complete the beatitude “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall…”
- Complete the beatitude “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the…”
- Complete the beatitude “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall… “
- Complete the beatitude, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall…”
- Concerning whom did a group of Jews bind themselves under a curse that they would not eat or drink until they had killed him?
- Could the king of Israel cure Naaman?
- Curtains in the portable tabernacle were made of what material?
- Cyrenius was governor of what country?
- Cyrus was king of what country?
- Describe the fourteen cattle that Pharaoh dreamed about?
- Did Joseph recognize his brothers when they first came to Egypt?
- Did Naaman think it was a good idea to wash in the Jordan river?
- Did Pharaoh bless Jacob or did Jacob bless Pharaoh?
- Did the Galileans receive Yahshua?
- Did the prophets of Baal bring down fire from heaven?
- Does Elohim treat all men alike?
- During creation week, on what day did dry land appear?
- During his temptation, how long did Yahshua go without eating?
- During his two year imprisonment in Rome, how many epistles did Paul write?
- During Israel’s age of peace, prosperity and prominence, who was king?
- During the course of Passover, how many days were the Children of Israel to eat unleavened bread?
- During the Feast of Weeks, where was Yahshua’s mother?
- During the fight with Amalek, what happened to Israel when Moses let down his hand?
- During the forty days after the resurrection, what did Yahshua talk about to his disciples?
- During the Passover what was to be eaten by the children of Israel?
- During the Passover, what plant was used to strike the blood?
- During the plague of flies in Egypt, what area had no flies?
- During the time of Hezekiah what country fought against Judah?
- Elijah went over what river on dry ground?
- Elisha caused the waters of what river to be parted?
- Elisha prophesied that the famine in what city would end?
- Elohim raised Yahshua from the dead and he no more will have to return to what?
- Eutychus, the one that fell from a window while Paul was preaching, was from what city?
- First Thessalonians 4:16 states that Yahweh himself shall descend from heaven with what?
- Following the Feast of Weeks, in what four things did the believers continue steadfastly?
- For how long did Paul and those shipwrecked with him stay on the island of Melita?
- For how long is the Mashiach consecrated as High Priest?
- For how long was Saul without sight?
- For how many generations did Jehu’s sons rule?
- For The Word to be profitable, with what must it be mixed?
- For what did the apostles pray when threatened by the council?
- For what time do rich men heap treasures together?
- For what two good reasons should one be subject to the laws of his government?
- For what was faith reckoned unto Abraham?
- For whom did Jacob say he would serve seven years?
- For whom was the Epistle to Philemon written?
- For whose sake was John the Baptist put in prison?
- From Jerusalem, how long did Dawīd reign over Israel and Judah?
- From what city did Lydia come?
- From what country did a queen come to talk with Solomon?
- From what country did Sarah’s maid, Hagar, come?
- From what country was Barnabas?
- From what did Elohim create Adam?
- From what did Paul instruct Timothy to flee?
- From what mountain did Yahshua speak about his coming again?
- From what town did Yahshua send disciples to get a colt for Him to ride?
- From what tribe did our Adonai spring?
- From what two animals could the Passover sacrifice be taken?
- From where did the wise men come?
- From where does every good gift and every perfect gift come?
- From which book of the prophets did Yahshua read at the synagogue?
- From which book of The Torah did Yahshua quote during his contest with satan?
- From which direction did the wind blow that took away the plague of locusts?
- From which mountain did Moses view The Promised Land?
- From which Old Testament book did Yahshua quote in Matthew 24 with reference to the Great Tribulation?
- From which son of Noah did the Jew people descend?
- Goliath was from what country?
- Herod intended to keep Peter in prison until after what holy day?
- Hezekiah was king of what country?
- Historically, the book of Ruth is connected with what other book?
- How did Aaron and Hur help Moses gain the victory over the Amalekites?
- How did Elisha get back the ax head that fell into the river?
- How did Elisha help a poor widow whose sons were about to be taken as bondmen?
- How did Elohim change the bitter water of Marah into good water?
- How did Elohim first appear to Moses?
- How did Elohim provide bread for the Israelites in the wilderness?
- How did Jacob obtain the blessing of the firstborn son instead of Esau?
- How did Jezebel die?
- How did Joseph know to flee to Egypt with Yahshua and his mother?
- How did Joseph treat his brothers after their father died?
- How did Moses disobey Elohim when the water came from the rock at Meribah?
- How did Moses obey Elohim to obtain water at Massah?
- How did Paul become a Roman citizen?
- How did Paul describe himself in Philemon 1:9?
- How did Peter escape from prison the night before Herod planned to kill him?
- How did Peter reply to Yahshua’s instruction to launch out into the deep?
- How did Pharaoh’s servants describe Moses during the plagues?
- How did Rahab mark her house so she would be protected when Jericho was captured?
- How did Saul escape from Damascus?
- How did Solomon settle the problem of two mothers and one child?
- How did some men get a man with the palsy to Yahshua?
- How did the animals get their names?
- How did the Galatians receive Paul at first?
- How did the Holy Spirit appear on the day of Pentecost?
- How did the wise men find Yahshua?
- How did Yahshua answer those who asked if it was right for them to pay taxes to Caesar?
- How did Yahshua come into Jerusalem at his triumphal entry?
- How did Yahshua die?
- How did Yahshua overcome the temptations of Satan?
- How did Yahshua teach his disciples humility at the last supper?
- How did Yahweh lead the children of Israel when they left Egypt?
- How did Yahweh smite Azariah?
- How did Zacchaeus promise to repay those from whom he had taken dishonestly?
- How do the opening verses of Matthew’s gospel relate back to the Old Testament?
- How does Yahshua sum up his reference to the greatness of John the Baptist?
- How had the chief captain who talked with Paul become a Roman citizen?
- How is the day of Yahweh described as coming in First Thessalonians 5:2?
- How long did Elohim allow Hezekiah to live after his illness?
- How long did Felix keep Paul bound?
- How long did it rain during the flood?
- How long did it take to build the temple?
- How long did Jacob serve Laban?
- How long did Paul live in Rome before the end of the book of Acts?
- How long did Paul purpose to refrain from eating meats, if eating them offended his weak brother?
- How long did the flood waters stay on the earth?
- How long did Yahshua pray on a mountain?
- How long is a millennium?
- How long was Dawīd king?
- How long was Joash hidden before becoming king of Judah?
- How long was Moses on Mount Sinai?
- How long was Solomon king?
- How long was the famine to last after Joseph revealed himself to his brothers?
- How long was the ship, on which Paul sailed for Rome, driven by the storm?
- How long was the span of time from the Exodus from Egypt until Solomon started building the temple?
- How many Assyrians were slain near Jerusalem?
- How many boats full of fish did Peter and the fisherman catch?
- How many books are called minor prophets?
- How many books are in the Bible?
- How many books are there in the New Testament?
- How many books are there in the Old Testament?
- How many books of the Old Testament are considered to be historical?
- How many cattle did Pharaoh dream about?
- How many chapters are in Isaiah?
- How many children did Zechariah and Elizabeth have before John the Baptist?
- How many children of Adam and Eve are recorded?
- How many Commandments were given by Elohim to Moses?
- How many concubines did Solomon have?
- How many daughters did the priest of Midian have?
- How many devils did Yahshua cast out of Mary Magdalene?
- How many have sinned and come short of the Glory of Elohim?
- How many judges are referenced in the book of Judges?
- How many major prophets were there?
- How many men did Yahshua feed with five loaves and two fishes?
- How many men were appointed to serve tables?
- How many men were in the group when the Israelites left Egypt?
- How many of Paul’s epistles were written during his missionary journeys?
- How many of Paul’s epistles were written to individuals?
- How many of Pharaoh’s army was destroyed in the sea?
- How many of the Mashiach’s disciples were named James?
- How many parables does the Gospel of Mark record?
- How many people did Yahshua appoint and send out two by two?
- How many people did Yahweh tell Elijah had not bowed to Baal?
- How many people waited together in the upper room for the coming of the Holy Spirit?
- How many people were added to the believers during the Feast of Weeks?
- How many people were saved in the ark during the flood?
- How many pillars were there in the court of the tabernacle?
- How many prophets of Baal came to Mount Carmel?
- How many proverbs did Solomon speak?
- How many stars did Joseph see in his dream?
- How many stories were in Noah’s ark?
- How many times did Abraham plead for Sodom?
- How many times did Joash smite the arrows to the ground?
- How many times did the Israelites march around the walls of Jericho?
- How many times did Yahshua tell Peter we should forgive others?
- How many verses are in Psalm 119?
- How many wives did Solomon have?
- How many years before the writing of 2 Corinthians was a man caught up into the third heaven?
- How many years did Israel’s monarchy last before being divided into two kingdoms?
- How many years did it take to write the Bible?
- How many years did Jacob serve his future father-in-law for Rachel?
- In the Old Testament, what did the terms shekel, mina, and talent signify?
- In the parable of the lost sheep, how many sheep did the man have?
- Is Jonah considered a major or a minor prophet?
- Lot pitched his tent toward what city?
- Naaman was an army captain in what country?
- The church in what place was told that it had left its first love?
- The rough goat that Daniel saw in a vision was the king of what place?
- To what people was the gospel of Luke primarily written?
- What did Joseph want to do with Benjamin after finding the silver cup in his sack?
- What did the prodigal son say to his father when he came back home?
- What happened while Peter was preaching at Cornelius' house?
- What is pure religion?
- What is the first book in the New Testament?
- What is the third book of the Torah?
- What nationality was Timothy’s father?
- What relationship was Laban to Rebekah?
- What statement did the leper make in expressing his faith?
- What three things does one do when he makes prophesies?
- What three words describe Elohim’s will?
- What token did Elohim give that he would not destroy the world again with a flood?
- What was the last epistle written by Paul?
- What was the name of the desert place where Philip was sent?
- What was the sin of Ananias and Sapphira?
- What writing was placed over Yahshua’s "stauros"?
- When the people returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon, who oversaw the rebuilding of the temple?
- Where did Lazarus live?
- Where did Paul go after leaving Athens?
- Where was the marriage held at which Yahshua turned water into wine?
- Which book records an army of 185,000 destroyed in one night?
- Which of David's sons tried to take the kingdom from his father?
- Which way would have been nearer for Yahweh to lead the Israelites to Canaan?
- Who buried the body of Yahshua?
- Who conspired with the chief priests to betray Yahshua?
- Who deserted Paul and Barnabas on the first missionary journey?
- Who did Yahshua say were “Blind leaders of the blind”?
- Who helped her son deceive his father?
- Who said "Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house"?
- Who said "Fear not; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people"?
- Who said "Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness"?
- Who said “Be of good cheer; for I believe Elohim, that it shall be even as it was told me”?
- Who said “Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth”?
- Who said “Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of Yahweh”?
- Who said “Thou art the Mashiach, the son of the living Elohim”?
- Who was the chief captain that sent Paul from Jerusalem to Caesarea?
- Who was the harpist that was brought to the court of King Saul?
- Who were the tentmakers who assisted Paul at Corinth?
- Who, with his armour bearer, defeated a garrison of Philistines?
- Why did Elohim remove Saul from being king?
- Why were the children of Israel taken into captivity?
- With what were the tables of stone written (The Ten Commandments)?
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Who, with his armour bearer, defeated a garrison of Philistines?
AuthorShyne @aLLhaiL
(1 Samuel 14:6-14)