Most of the friends I had didn’t like me and I seldom wondered why.
The seeds were planted, now I know that I’m the apple of His eye.
I wanted up out of the streets so bad I was pleading for my life.
I wanted to be a real good girl but the sin within my members clapped back each and e’ry time.
Praise to Yahweh just for keeping my mind.
I was doing way too much with my frail soul on the line.
Respectfully, but I was able to get drunk with JC and had no help when situations went unkind.
Respectfully, but I was able to fornicate with JC and commit adultery from behind.
I was out there acting a fucking ass when I had all these steep hills to climb.
I could lie and cheat if I wanted to but I had too many thorns in my side.
They told me it was a trinity, a rapture, purgatory, and a paradise.
They never said that He is One, do not incite His wrath, He’d be the friend you want and His Son can get you into eternal life.
I practise no religion I just want to get it right.
It is Yahweh who makes the crooked straight and already wrote the ends that are in sight.
It is Yahweh who helps us when we have none and He who takes over our battles once we see we cannot fight.