I always had MY FATHER YAHWEH ELOHIM’S Word with me out in those streets.
The homie couldn’t understand why I would drink and smoke and then bust it out and just read.
But these the same folks that promote the wicked and get you discomfited with all of the lascivious things.
They prefer the comfort over the conviction type teaching that will keep you prideful and asleep.
Names are significant so it is Yahshua in all things for the glorifying of My FATHER YAHWEH ELOHIM.
He can do whatever He wants without permission and never required a team.
Since the foundation of the earth.
He’s been Aleph and Tall but we ignite His wrath by not listening.
They say spare the rod spoil the child but the Book say you better get to chastening.
They say he good all the time but the Book say that He don’t play I’m recognizing.
I want to be told some things but let them be the realest shit that I need.
The Book already rebuked me and wung me for being in contempt of all of His holy things.
I believe in reproof and correction and I work not to be vain with all that MY FATHER YAHWEH ELOHIM has given me.
I don’t take this thing at all lightly
I don’t want to go against His Law and Commandments and He unleash Satan’s ass to come and cross me.
I’m trying to see the years of the Jubilee.
I don’t want to have to be rose up to die; I want to see what’s up with that eternity.